LICX Telegram
This page discusses how to play the LICX TELEGRAM GAME ONLY

1) CLICK the link for the TG game below

2) CLICK the "Start Game" button

3) The Game will launch as below on the "Play" Screen on the bottom menu row - click

4) On the "Play" Screen can play the game, or view Friends, Earn and Leaderboard

5) The GAME Objective is to tap the squares to complete the level (50 in each STAGE), and then each STAGE (10 in total)

6) Point are scored by clicking the squares, but the leaderboard depends on the PERFORMANCE Ranking also

7) Level up your Performance Ranking by completing WORK PASSES - under the drop down menu on the game screen - in USER PROGRESS

8) The LEADERBOARD is in order of POINTS (clicked squares), PERFORMANCE RANKING (Activities) and COMPLETED WORK PASSES (convert to Energy Cards)
SOLVE the Puzzle of all three to score high on the leaderboard